The following article was originally published in the Danville Advocate’s “Meet the Merchants” insert in July, 2013:
Were you initially excited to get your geekware home and start exploring your cool, new operating system? Did you find yourself confused, dismayed, and unable to access your basic programs within 15 minutes of turning it on the first time? Welcome to the wonderful world of Windows 8®. But, don’t worry, the Danville Computer Doc can help!
What’s WRONG With It?
Fortunately, your computer isn’t sick — but it HAS been “genetically modified.” Like a hybrid strain of corn, it’s edible –but it doesn’t taste as good as the original. The good news? You can improve it — just like adding a little salt and butter to that GMO ear of corn — a little effort can make Windows 8® more palatable.
Where the HECK is My Start Button?
You probably asked this question 30-seconds after booting up the first time. This new interface is designed for touch- screen devices. If your new computer doesn’t have a touch-screen, you may begin to feel the pain of these new changes immediately.
Give It BACK!
Get out in front of this headache and give yourself some relief — in the form of a start button replacement. There are several options, but Danville’s Computer Doc uses open-source solutions whenever possible. He recommends Classic Shell™ available at and is free for both personal and commercial use. This program immediately puts the familiar start button back where it belongs, allowing you to access your programs, folders, and power options just like you always have and allows you to choose the start menu you prefer: Classic, Windows XP® or Windows 7®.
But I Don’t WANT To Go Metro!
You may like the “apps” style layout of may not. You may want to avoid stand-alone programs. You may want to the new Windows, called “Metro” — you find your way back to your classic desktop. Classic Shell™ also allows you to boot straight to the familiar windows desktop, avoiding the new Windows 8® Metro user interface altogether.
Is Microsoft Going to FIX This?
Microsoft has publicly admitted their failure with users and will restore the start button and other features in version 8.1. You can preview this release by visiting: Please keep in mind that this version is still in beta (testing phase). The final release will arrive later this fall.
DanvilleComputerDoc recommends you try Classic Shell™ until the final release arrives. If you are feeling adventurous, try the current version, but unless you like beta-testing with your data, waiting may avoid additional headaches.
If you have questions about your new operating system, or need some help upgrading, repairing or learning more about your existing computer, tablet, or smartphone, call at 859-755-4344 for immediate access to top-rated “Healthcare for Geekware!”